Sheer Black Smoky Eye | Experimenting with Lip Shades and Textures…on my *face!*

Hi everyone. Apologies for the extended posting delay. Some unexpected obligations have come up, and I’m working on sequencing and scheduling my various activities to make everything fit.

For the moment, allow me to close the loop on the Sheer Black Smoky Eye series that I initiated a couple of weeks ago. I opened the series with the basic ‘face’–a smoky eye nude cheeks and a nude lip. I thought it would be fun to take a look at the same basic face, changing only the lip shade–nothing else.

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Purple smoky eye with platinum accents | Soft, simple, dressy makeup look for spring

After spending some time with bright citrus colors, I wanted to explore another side of orange–the creamier, peachier side of a zesty shade. I realized, though, that as soon as I dialed back the intensity of orange to a softer, peachier tone, it became more of a backdrop or frame for other elements of the look. So, although a Creamsicle-soft orange lip and cheek was the starting point of this look–the touchstone that determined my other choices–in the end, it’s really the eye makeup that’s the center of attention in the final look.

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Citrus Zest | Glossy, pink-grapefruit lips for spring

March 1 is the first day of meteorological spring in my neck of the woods, to which I can only say: Yay!

As the daylight grows brighter, I feel a hunger for citrus–juicy citrus fruit to eat and juicy citrus shades to wear in my makeup. This week, I thought I would explore a couple of citrusy shades with you, starting with that very flattering and easy-to-wear citrus shade: pink grapefruit.

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